Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Damned If I Listen, Damned If I Don't...

Liek totes OMG. I'm totally doing a post about a song that's current and not at least 3 years old. What am I coming to?!

All Time Low - Damned If I Do Ya (Damned If I Don't)

The first proper single from All Time Low's hotly anticipated third album has been put up on their myspace. Shockingly enough, it doesn't really deviate from their pattern of making incredibly anthemic pop punk, featuring the obligatory chorus that is as catchy as one of Lindsay Lohan's STDs. After only one listen, Damned If I Do Ya (Damned If I Don't) has already joined the ranks of other songs that get stuck in my head for hours because they're just so bloody catchy, however, unlike the other songs on that list, I don't really mind about this one being stuck inside my cranium like a parasite too much. All together with me "OH OH OHHHH!"


Listen to it below or at All Time Low's Myspace

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